LaTeX for your thesis


Read the docs - last updated September 2021. Note that to successfully format the luthesis-example.tex file (which is where the documentation is) you need to comment line 10 (\setcoofile....)

Note this is not offcially supported within Loughborough. If you spot something out of data let me know and I'll fix, but errors caused by using this class will be considered your own.

Archiving your thesis source code

As luthesis (and the Loughborough Regulations) are under constant change, it's very possible that the version you use in your thesis today will produce different results in subsequent years. Therefore, if you plan to archive the source of your thesis, archive the version of luthesis that you used at the same time.

Useful other tools

Formatting code listings

A common question. Use the listings package and I suggest the following in the preamble:

Code to define a language console output, such as collected by the script command


An environment to go with this


A command to input code from a file.


Which can be used like this:


Code to create a python environment:
