Iain Phillips

I'm (from May 1st 2023) a Professor of Computer Science at Loughborough University, where I've worked for over 30 years as Research Assistant, Research Fellow, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer. From Feb 2008 until July 2011 I served as Head of Computer Science and as a result joined the Council of Profs and Heads of Computing Committee. I was CPHC Chair from 2012-2014 then the Immediate Past Chair, then I left the committee. From 2015 I've been the Director of Academic Staffing in Loughborough's School of Science and have also acted as Head of Department from 2016-2018 and May 2022-Jan 2023.

My official web presence is rather corporate, but lets you see some employment information and also useful things like a publication list.

My research is based around the areas of computer networking and high performance computing.

I maintain a LaTeX class for writing reports, dissertations and theses at Loughborough: luthesis.

If you are interested in studying a PhD under my supervision at Loughborough, click here.